Monday, October 6, 2008

Biggest Loser

So i have been in Puerto Rico since the middle of September and will be gone for several months and I decided when I came home I was going to be a new person. Thinner, stronger, and more domestic. I live with Amy who is a personal trainer and she has been helping me. So far I have cooked every meal except for 3 times and I have started working out. We don't have cars here this time so that does help a little on the weight loss because I have to walk everywhere, but since I've been here I have lost 9 lbs!!! so yea for me I thought since this is my own blog I could toot my own horn:) and I am proud of myself for sticking with it I only have 36 more lbs to go for my goal weight and am well on my way to a healthier me:)


Christine said...

Good job Jamie!!! :)

Mary said...

You'll do it! Keep at it!
And keep posting pix of cute little Matt - we really miss him here on Hilton Head :(

Anonymous said...

who miss him we really miss him :)lol

Anonymous said...

Great job Jamie. We are looking forward to seeing less of you, and more of Matt lol :D

Caty said...

Congrats, Jamie! That's awesome!

Christine said...

Hey post some pics of Matt walking ;)

grandma said...

good job! on the weight loss and on the cooking!

Caroll said...

Let's hear a Woo Hoo for Jamie! I hear Amy is quite a task master :)
