Thursday, January 15, 2009

Help i'm STUCK!

In the hotel room matt has learned to slide off the bed all by himself then recently he has learned that he can climb from the bed to the night stand which usually has drinks or something really cool on it;) i'm not sure which he is trying to do here but this is how i found him when i came out of the bathroom. he was not pleased that i took a picture before saving him from this dreadful position.


Staci said...

hahhaha he is sooooo cute! I love it!

Christine said...

He is so cute!

*K*R*I*S*T*Y* said...

That is so cute!I saw your link on Shantai's and added you to my blog, hope you don't mind :)

Sheri said...

lol, I'm sure he WASN'T pleased, you cruel mama! ;)

grandma said...

If that is the worst tight place he ever has to get into you will be lucky!
