Friday, March 20, 2009

Hilton Head

Amy found a little center for kids that has all sorts of fun things this was in the art department he had so much fun finger painting he thought he would try some:)
This was in the same place they had a whole area for role playing with costumes there were several different themes but matt enjoied the airplane the best.

The other day the guys went to the park to play softball, we found a little play ground for wes and matt they had so much fun on the slides i was surprised because matt would go climb up the stairs and go down the slide by himself!

Here is my monkey on the monkey bars, dont worry i was right there i just didn't want to be in the picture. he loved them so much he kept trying to climb up by himself:)


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day. You have a cute little monkey!

Kristen said...

hey cuz... Matthew's definately got some stack in him!!! Hope all is well, Sam just talked me into makin a blog. So here I am. hope to talk to you soon :)
